
Play along with Smokey and his Friends with our interactive games. Share with your friends and family! Follow us on YouTube to meet Smokey and his Friends. You can also share you photos or reviews via our Facebook page.

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  1. Jigsaw

    Piece together your favourite pictures of Smokey’s adventures. Choose a picture and the puzzle size you want to make.

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  2. Word Search

    Can you find our hidden Smokey words? Choose which book you want to use. Then start searching! Don’t forget to check diagonally, backwards and straight across! Enjoy our special Christmas wordsearch here.

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  3. Colouring Book

    Have fun with our colouring book by painting your favourite scenes from Smokey’s adventures.

    Would you like to print out colouring pages to colour in? Click on the images below and print!

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  4. Memory

    Let’s test your memory! Can you find Smokey and his friends hidden behind the cards?

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